How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

In our previous blog titled “What You Should Know if a Hurricane Damages Your Home in Florida” we discussed the proactive and immediate steps to take immediately following a hurricane or major storm. In effort to help reduce the stress, anxiety and damage brought on from a storm, this article will discuss the different steps to consider to adequately prepare for hurricane season. As hurricane season approaches South Florida, taking precautionary measures can limit the damage to your family, personal items, property and business. Here are some tips to consider and what you should know to best prepare for hurricane season.

  1. Plan an evacuation route.

If you live in a flood zone, near the coast, in a mobile home or even a high-rise building, you may be required, or strongly urged, to evacuate your home in the event of a hurricane. Plan your evacuation route well before a hurricane watch is issued. This will allow you adequate time to plan your evacuation route, consider where you will take shelter and other considerations related to sick or elderly family members or pets. 

  1. Keep sufficient emergency supplies in stock.

Get ahead of the crowds and get the items you need ahead of a hurricane or major storm. It is wise to plan accordingly and buy the following items:

  • Flash lights
  • Batteries
  • Candles
  • Lighters or matches
  • Medications
  • Three to seven days of drinking water per person
  • Portable radio weather
  • First aid supplies
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Board games, magazines

If you use these items prior to a hurricane or major storm, make sure to restock!

  1. Prepare an inventory of your personal property.

Prior to a hurricane or major storm, it is wise to make an inventory of your personal property. Be sure to notate all items and take pictures of your property to ensure you have sufficient insurance in the event of a loss. Creating this inventory of personal property will also assist in the event an insurance claim is required to be filed making the process of filing a claim smooth. In the event you evacuate your home, it is essential to take your inventory of personal property with you.

  1. Review your insurance policies.

Be familiar with your insurance policies and verify what is covered. Generally homeowner’s insurance covers the costs of repairs due to hurricane damage, out of pocket expenses, and reasonable living expenses over and above your normal living expenses due to relocation or additional travel expenses. It is important to note that homeowner’s insurance does not generally cover damage resulting from flooding. As a homeowner, you may want to consider speaking to an insurance agent prior to hurricane season to better determine what policy best fits your needs. 

  1. Take steps to protect your home and business.

Hurricane force winds and heavy rain can create severe damage. These are some suggested steps we recommend you take to help minimize the damages you may potentially face.

  • Cut weak branches or trees down
  • Install hurricane shutters to protect windows from debris
  • Make sure exterior doors and sliding doors are shutter proof
  • Seal outside wall openings
  • Protect boats, trailers, sheds
  • Properly store yard tools, furniture and other items that may potentially be taken by strong winds.

We wish you and your families a safe Hurricane season. If you are in need of any    assistance or have questions related to potentials hurricane claims, please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Ray Garcia, P.A., at 305-227-4030 or via email at

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Law Office of Ray Garcia, P.A.

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